
Earlier this year, i was browsing the WTAPS spring summer 2016 catalogue and noticed these jeans. I haven’t felt like I really needed something that bad in a long while and knew I had to grab these when they released no matter what. So i waited.. i waited day by day, months until nearly the end of summer! August rolled around and I was actually convinced they scrapped these or something and werent going to end up releasing them. Lo and behold, I’m in Japan in the last week of august with my friend and these jeans drop. I had already gone to the GIP store once and had to make a second trip because these came out a day after. And i got em! What a feeling. They were pricy but the best jeans i’ve ever owned, style and fit wise. Love em.

Course they came out at HAVEN when i returned to vancouver.. in september. Oh well, sometimes its like that, the experience of being in Japan and trying/purchasing them in store wont ever be forgotten though.

– j

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